30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

 If any of our Firefly Lights by Firefly Magic® products do not meet your expectations we want them back! Our continued success is based on the satisfaction of our Customers, and that includes YOU. We'll give you a refund for ANY reason during the first 30 days. A restocking fee may apply. *Please see exceptions below.

Terms and Conditions: As long as the product has not been damaged, we will accept it back if it has a Return Authorization (RMA) number. Just contact our team via e-mail fireflymagic@spartustech.com or call 1-877-834-7335 to receive your return authorization, which allows proper tracking and refund for your purchase price, minus the original shipping & restocking fee.   Note: If the item is returned in its original condition and returned within 30 days, there will not be a restocking fee.  If the product is not returned within 30 days, then there may be a 20% restocking fee.  If the product is received back damaged or materially different than how it was originally shipped, there will be a minimum of a 50% restocking fee.

*The 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee does not apply to the following purchases and are not returnable: Gift Cards; Accessories; Firefly Magic Apparel; Custom Built Products; Orders for Commercial, Entertainment, Theatrical, or other Events; and Items marked "Closeout", "Inventory Closeout", "Final Inventory Closeout", and or "Seasonal".