
Guide to Repair or Replace Firefly Magic LEDs and or DC Jacks

Here is a quick guide to locate the replacement parts (available on our website), as well as instructions, and tips for completing the repairs and replacements.  Replacement Parts List: Replacement LEDs are available for purchase on our website (in the color...

Trouble with Low Voltage Firefly Magic Firefly Lights?

The below troubleshooting tips will help determine if the lights work properly and are operating as expected. IMPORTANT: Each "Low Voltage Unit" (see photo below) should be disconnected from any Low Voltage Lighting System and be tested as a standalone...

Quick Guide to the Low Voltage Firefly Lights System

Indoor Power Supply Suggestions And How the Low Voltage Firefly Lights Work Firefly Magic doesn’t source the 12Volt power supply.  But a quick search “12V Power Supply” on Amazon (or other retailers) should provide plenty of affordable options.    Any...